Blog: June 2016

Optimizing Google Analytics for SharePoint and Office 365

Optimizing Google Analytics for SharePoint and Office 365

Most enterprises use third-party analytics tools for tracking SharePoint and Office 365 usage. Marketing teams often use tools like Google Analytics, WebTrends, and Piwik for public analytics, so those become the de facto standards for internal analytics as well.

Each is a great option, but web analytics platforms don’t really understand the intricacies of SharePoint and Office 365. For instance, there’s absolutely no way to filter by specific sites, site collections, or lists by default.

Although SharePoint natively tracks some useful data such as daily hits per site, the built-in interfaces for extracting that data have always been very limited. This has been especially true since SharePoint 2013 re-engineered the analytics engine and hid most reports.

When it comes to SharePoint and Office 365 sites, there are common questions you’re likely to ask:

  1. Which of my sites are most active? Are there dormant sites we should retire?
  2. Which users are most engaged? Are there users completely avoiding the intranet?
  3. Besides pages, which content is most popular?

Fortunately, it’s possible to answer each of those questions through a one-time configuration that will reap long-term rewards.